Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Lyricist

No, I wasn’t bored over the weekend. I was just being my creative old self. I’d been contemplating writing a song for ages and had a feeling - “Today is the day!” - although I didn’t know where to begin.

I have always been of the opinion that love songs are the easiest to write. You just got to keep the key words in mind – love, heart, soul, ‘The One’ – you can then move on to describing the physical features - eyes, lips, hair – and stick to the following adjective while doing so – beautiful - and don’t forget to compare it to the sun, moon and stars but if it’s a woman you are talking about, striking a comparison with sweet smelling flowers is advisable.

Although I tried to fill in the blanks, I came to a conclusion that it was either difficult to get creative with love or I was plain unromantic.

For a while, I played around with the idea of writing lyrics for a rap. “Anyone can Rap!”. I figured that I could read two pages of Computer Applications Edition 3, at lightening fast speed, and the world would never guess what I'd blabbed. If this track ever made it to the US Top 20, I could rant about my ‘troubled’ childhood and ‘more or less accustomed to trouble’ engineering life in my interviews.

Proud to have sketched a great career in rapping, I thought of experimenting with a new genre – Metal. I was glad that this was going to be bloody easy ‘cause I could continue to read the next few pages of Computer Applications Edition 3. I knew how my song was going to take shape…

*Crazy beats*

Mumbling…mumbling… (Pg. 125 1st and 2nd paragraph)

*Crazier beats*

Mumbling faster…mumbling much faster…got a bad throat (cough cough).. (Pg. 126 3rd paragraph P.T.O. - Pg. 127)

* ‘I have no idea whom I’m bludgeoning’ beats *


Now that’s a master piece!

Having read enough about computers, I knew it was time to write. This time I picked Hip Hop as my basis. This is how the lyrics go…

#$@@#*& @#$!&&* @##*@  shawty

$#@##$*&& @#$!#$% ^#%&&  party

@#$!#$% ^#%&& #$@@#  booty

#$*&& @#$!#$% @##*@&%  body

Aren’t you amazed how the Hip Hop clan manages to rhyme party with body!

P.S.: Tu tu tu.. tu tu tara in the making…
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