She wants to be used. She asks for it. We use her. We throw her. It doesn’t make a difference to her. She is characterless. Now if somebody, so readily, displays their desire to be used; why would we hesitate? She likes it and we don’t mind it. There is no guilt involved ‘cause we are giving the woman what she wants. We don’t treat good girls from good families like this. We don’t talk about our female friends like this. We respect respectable women.
That’s a man talking.
Most women would agree with the men in this respect. She is a shameless woman, she deserves it. Alright, maybe she does, maybe she doesn’t; but that’s not the point.
The fact that a woman wants to be used, talks about her character. Whether or not you use her, talks about your character!
Like my father asked me once- “You see the door. You see the keyhole. Would you look through it or would you walk away?” It tells you how the magnitude of self control defines your character.
Well, another question that is asked often is- “If you saw a Rs.100 note on the road, would you pick it up?”
Some would pick it up- Why not?
Some would pick it up and leave it in a temple- Fair enough.
Some would just leave it there- Not mine!
When it comes to treating women, or people in general, most of us would use them.
Extremely rare but not an impossible scenario where some great fellow would go out of his way to lead her to the right path.
Leaving her there, letting her be what she wants to be and respecting her just like he respects other women in his life; now that’s a Man!
calm on the surface but a roaring turbulence within, isnt it?
good thought. proud of you!
"Leaving her there, letting her be what she wants to be and respecting her just like he respects other women in his life; now that’s a Man!"
I would not agree with you on this..
A man is someone who 'to the best of his abilities tries and gets her on the right path'..Respecting her to be what she is happy in being is a different thing but practicality says that he should 'show her the right path' minus any of his objectives or selfish reasons.
Maybe thats what i ve done all my life and in the end i am the one at loss as some people just dont care but anyway..Good deeds, even tried never go unrewarded.God has his records.
And yes this is from personal experience in almost the same lines as your post.Bruised and burnt but standing strong with a character that i am proud of.
Loved the realistic topic you have chosen :)
kari this is exactly how i remember you....what you wrote i completely identify and agree with....and its your choice that determines yor character....
Who's using whom... Who's getting used... Who decides...
Man... Woman... Respect... Who defines.. What parameters...
You go off in flames...
You go off in smoke...
You go off in ashes...
Who decides...
Sometimes 3 words define a person more than a paragraph.....
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